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Tools with Point Digits

Written by Griffin Drye | Mar 30, 2021 12:17:00 PM

Tools With Point Digits

In the United States alone, there are over 45,000 finger amputations every year. Of those 45,000, 68 percent worked in heavy manual labor jobs before their amputation, and 74 percent of that group either changed jobs or retired because of their accident. There is a very apparent lack of robust prosthetic finger options available to patients, and many of the options that are available still prevent patients from returning to work. 

Point Designs prides itself on producing durable, reliable prosthetic fingers that can withstand the rigors of everyday use in tough environments. Many of the patients that use our prosthetic fingers worked in heavy manual labor jobs before their amputation, and aspire to continue working in those positions.

In addition to continuing their work, many patients hope to gain new skills and improve upon their experiences before their accidents. In the videos below, Anna (patient) works with clinicians at Handspring Prosthetics to learn more about how her new Point Digits fit into her life. She's able to hold and manipulate a screwdriver and a t-grip tool in multiple different grasps, and apply that function to the activities that she does every day.

Though Point Digits are ideal for hard labor tasks, they function equally as well at accomplishing activities of daily living. In the videos below, you can see two patients, Jeff and Anna, accomplishing a variety of tasks such as getting groceries, washing hands, preparing dinner, and picking up a box by its handle.

We strive to provide our patients with solutions that exceed their expectations. We want our prosthetic fingers to allow our patients to accomplish any goal they set their minds to. Over the past few years, we have been constantly amazed by the passion and dedication of patients, and cannot wait to see what they’re able to do in the future. Check out the video below of Point Designs patient Angie using her Point Digits to practice throwing knives!